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At the request of Papa Ola Lōkahi, Nohopapa Hawai‘i, LLC undertook this study whose overall goal was to inventory the Waiʻanae moku on the island of Oʻahu; with this initial research laying the kahua, or foundation, for future work. It is through aloha, and in this case aloha ʻāina, that life can be restored and invigorated for both the wahi hoʻōla and for all of us who revere and benefit from these sites. In addition to the Inventory, Nohopapa looked at specific focus sites within the Waiʻanae moku. These sites include Kūʻīlioloa Heiau, Kamaile Heiau, Puʻu Kawiwi in the ahupuaʻa of Waiʻanae, as well as Kūkaniloko in Waiʻanae Uka/ Wahiawā. It is hoped that the wahi hoʻōla, such as those documented in this report, can be physically restored, stewarded, and maintained as vibrant houses-of-life for their respective communities.

Waiʻanae Moku, Oʻahu  -  Papa Ola Lokahi 

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