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Nohopapa Hawaiʻi offers studies and services that deepen knowledge and connection to place and support our collective responsibility to document, preserve, protect, and responsibly steward wahi kūpuna and other cultural resources. We research and gather knowledge through integrated approaches rooted in historical land research and cultural understanding of place. We offer the following studies and services to inform your land management and stewardship:

Historical Research
(Archival Resources)
Ethno-historical Studies
Reconstructing Community Histories
Land Ownership/Title Research
Genealogical Research for Individuals and Families
Historical Map Research
Hawaiʻi and National Registers of Historic Places Nominations

Ethnographic Research
(Living Resources)
Traditional Cultural Property Studies
Wahi Kūpuna Stewardship Planning
Cultural Impact Assessments
Individual and Group Oral Histories
Descendant Consultation for Burial Issues
Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act Consultation
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Consultation
Cultural Practices and Applications
Educational and Training Programs and Workshops
Outreach Presentations
Restoration and Adaptive Reuse Planning

Archaeological Research
(Physical Resources)
Preservation Planning
Archaeological Assessments
Archaeological Inventory Survey Plans, Surveys, and Results Reporting
Archaeological Monitoring Plans, Programs, and Results Reporting
Burial Treatment Planning
Burial Site Components
Koehana (Artifact) Curationt and Collections Management
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
ʻĀina Inventories and Databases
NAGPRA Plans of Action
State Historic Preservation Division Consultation
Document preparation for registration with the Hawaii State Bureau of Conveyances, specifically as requested by SHPD, for Burial Treatment and Preservation Plans.


Nohopapa Hawaiʻi has assisted community organizations, private land owners, and state and federal agencies in conducting a variety of projects to better understand the cultural and historical resources on the lands they own and manage. We have had the privilege of working with the following clients over the past few years:



Working alongside our community partners is an honor for Nohopapa. We value the ‘ike that we learn from them as kupaʻāina that are intimately connected to their ‘āina and wahi kūpuna. Nohopapa aims to assist our community partners by providing cultural resource management research, tools, and expertise to support their kuleana to mālama these places.

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