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Waialua Moku, Oʻahu - Papa Ola Lohaki
This study is one in a series commissioned by Papa Ola Lōkahi inventorying wahi hoʻōla, or healing places on Oʻahu. These studies have revealed wahi hoʻōla are purposed to honor ʻaumākua, akua, and the ancestral spirits of special areas and elements such as burials, leina, ao kuewa, heiau, keana, wahi pana, kahakai, pōhaku, pūnāwai, ua, makani, and areas of nourishment and healing plants. These places are also still visited and honored in recent times by Hawaiians during key events in the cycle of life including but not limited to conception, birth, family, relationships, death, and beyond. This initial research is intended to build the kahua, or foundation, for future work.
As the study provides an overview inventory of Wahi Hoʻōla, our Nohopapa researchers also did deep dive research into four specific focus sites within the Waialua moku. These sites included Pōhaku o Puaʻena, Mokaena, Loko ea and ʻUkoʻa and Kūkaniloko.
While a considerable amount of time, research, and effort were expended for this project, it should be noted that this study does not represent an exhaustive examination of information, material, and data relating to the ahupuaʻa of Waialua and it's wahi hoʻōla. Information yet to be researched and analyzed includes un-translated Hawaiian language newspaper content, additional archival materials at physical repositories, and the untapped memories and recollections of our kūpuna. Consequently, this study should be viewed as an overview of the cultural, natural, historic, and contemporary community ʻike of the wahi kūpuna selected for this report, and a compilation of available and accessible sources for those places.
Papa Ola Lōkahi, the community, and others, are encouraged to expand upon the resources and information compiled in this study in order to broaden our combined ‘ike and understanding of wahi hoʻōla. This study, it is hoped, will motivate other organizations, kiaʻi, scholars, students, and community members to research, document, and continue to pass on the moʻolelo and memories of wahi hoʻōla in Waialua Moku, Oʻahu as well as throughout the paeʻāina.
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