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At the request of Papa Ola Lōkahi, Nohopapa Hawai‘i, LLC undertook this Wahi Hoʻōla Inventory of ʻEwa, Oʻahu. The overall goal of this project was to develop an inventory of wahi hoʻōla or “healing spaces” for ʻEwa moku, Oʻahu; with this initial research laying the kahua, or foundation, for future work. In addition to the Inventory, Nohopapa looked at specific focus sites within the ʻEwa moku. These sites include Keaīwa Heiau in Hālawa, Loko Paʻaiau in Kalauao, Hapuʻu in Waiawa, and Kaupeʻa and Puʻukapolei in Honouliuli.

ʻEwa Moku, Oʻahu  -  Papa Ola Lokahi 

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