Nohopapa Hawaiʻi, LLC is a Native Hawaiian-owned and operated cultural heritage stewardship social enterprise. We are a mission-driven organization whose goal is to transform the way cultural resource management is conducted in our island home. Nohopapa Hawaiʻi’s indigenous lens and methodologies combined with our high-quality work standards foster community-based approaches to research that strengthen and support our kaiāulu and ʻāina. Our team lives and works across the paeʻāina on a range of projects including preservation and restoration plans, ethnohistorical studies, cultural impact assessments, Ka Paʻakai Analyses, and ʻāina, wai, and wahi hoʻōla inventories. We partner with like-minded clients and community organizations with similar values and missions of appropriately stewarding and preserving our ʻike kūpuna, wahi kūpuna, and iwi kūpuna. We collaborate closely with our partners to innovate proactive approaches to Wahi Kūpuna Stewardship that mālama our ʻāina and lāhui.